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The Benefits of Integrating Subjects

Unlike traditional teaching styles, integration allows you to expand on projects that students show interest in. This means you get to go into more detail and delve deeper into subjects that they may be more interested in. The best part is how multi-disciplinary it makes the project. This means you can assess students’ skills across many subjects throughout a single project. Don’t worry about connecting all subjects into a projects. But, assessing for various subjects during a single project proves to be efficient.

Noticing when students are engaged quickly adapting your plan to expand a project can help your students achieve great success. For example, if you notice your students loving a science experiment, you can use that opportunity to ask them to write about it. Whether the written assignment is in French or English, this is a great opportunity to assess their writing. Are they using the spelling and grammar lessons you explicitly taught? It is often quite common to find real math problems throughout the units of study. These are great teaching opportunities to apply the skills they’re currently learning!

By integrating subjects into projects, you can assess students abilities through a variety of subjects. You may be assessing science content, writing skills, and oral presentation skills all in one. This style of teaching not only allows students a number of opportunities to practice various skills, but also shows them how subjects are in fact connected. Studying the world around us and how things are connected helps students make their own connections.

Making connections within a subject is also great for student success. They will begin to see how the units of study fit in their day-to-day lives. How great is it to have the skills to write about a science discovery! Or, talking about what they learned while practicing to give a presentation will allow you to also assess how much they understood.

Integration allows you to go more in depth into topics that students are interested in, and teaches them skills in other subjects as well. The best part is how multi-disciplinary it is, so you can assess a student’s skills across many subjects in a single project. Making a number of connections allows students to understand how their world is connected and how their skills will help them navigate it.

