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Unwind, relax, and recharge for the coming school year

What are your go-to ways to unwind from the busy school environment? Admittedly, it can take a few days to adjust to the change of pace. But relaxing and recharging allows teachers to get excited to tackle the new year. By August, we have a bank of new ideas that we can’t wait to try with a new group of students.


Before jumping into a summer filled with activities, you may want to take some time to unwind. You may not realize it but we are used to multi-tasking and being very busy. The change of pace is an adjustment. Unwinding might be just sitting outside on beautiful days or laying in bed watching tv. Either way, your body is adjusting to the slowed pace. At times, I find myself wondering if I should be doing something. But it’s okay to slow down and breathe.


Everyone needs time to relax, but summer is the time when we get to do that abundantly. No matter what your summer plans are, make sure to do something relaxing, whether it’s a fast-paced, thrilling outdoor activity or a reading, yoga, or meditation session. You might want to take a walk or do some yard work. It’s also a great time to tackle small DIY projets that give your house a personal touch. We’ve been working hard all year, and it’s time to explore hobbies that may have been set aside throughout the school year.


Summer is also the best time to prepare for the school year. Once you’ve recharged, you now have the energy and drive to tackle some prep work. Do you like planning a little bit throughout the summer? Or, do you wait for a week before opening and put in some longer days? Despite when you start getting ready, having your lessons planned out and your classroom tidy and organized feels great. I like to have a few days of teambuilding activities to get to know my students and feel out the group dynamic. These activities also help them get to know each other and used to the new classroom. Going into the school year feeling organized is key to a successful year ahead! Enjoy your well-deserved summer! I know we will be ready to welcome students back for following school year with enthusiasm.

