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Thank Them for Sharing

This teaching tip seems obvious, but it goes a little deeper than you might think. Throughout my teaching career, I am constantly amazed at the numerous teaching tips I come across, but this one stuck with me. Thank your students for every idea they share.

I know I am thankful for class participation and hearing such a variety of answers during discussions. Thanking a student for sharing their idea is so powerful. Creating this safe environment to share their ideas will allow all students to offer an idea. Being conscious not to judge the answer as correct or incorrect will change the classroom discussion dynamic. Every answer offered by a student is acknowledged and accepted. After all, a brainstorm isn’t about being right or wrong. Developing this habit in your classroom will get all students thinking about the subject and maybe even brave enough to share their idea!

Apart from creating and executing the cutest, most creative lesson plans, I encourage you to try this with your next group and see how much more your students have to offer. Thank your students for every answer they offer. The ideas will blow your mind.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

– Dr.  Seuss

