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Consistency is Key

One of the most important things I’ve learned over the course of my teaching career is that it’s essential to set clear expectations for students from the very start of the year. These expectations can include things like getting in line, placing shoes neatly, appropriate times to sharpen pencils, and setting up specific deadlines for completing tasks. I think the reason this is so important is because it helps students know what is expected of them and what they need to do in order to have a successful school year.

If you set expectations and guidelines at the beginning of the school year, it’ll help the whole year go more smoothly. This takes many weeks but it is worth it! The effort you put into setting these expectations will pay off the whole year. Don’t give up after a few weeks. In my experience, it takes 5-6 weeks before the class gets the swing of things.

Setting clear expectations and guidelines for students can be hard if you’re not sure what you’re doing. Spend some time thinking about how you want your classroom to run. Is it important for you that the shoes are placed neatly? Every teacher has a different idea of an acceptable noise level. And how you run your activities is totally up to you.

I’ve noticed that showing students to be neat by placing their shows, putting their lunchbox away, keeping their supplies in a pencil case all contribute to student success. However, we can’t expect students to know the routine without showing them. Be prepared not only to show students what they’re expected to do, but also practice it for weeks. It will pay off!

Whether it’s your first year or you have your tried and true methods, this book may offer some helpful tips. If you’re looking for a great resource, check out The First Six Weeks of School by Responsive Classroom. This book will walk you through what to do for the six weeks of school to ensure you have a functional classroom all year.

