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Content vs. Community

Of course, as teachers, we focus on the list of learning outcomes we need to reach before June every year. However, I believe students may attain these outcomes a little easier while having more fun on the way if they feel like they are a part of a community. One of the things that I’ve learned is that the best teachers are the ones that show a genuine interest in their students. They invest time in their students and show a genuine curiosity. A great way to do this is by asking questions to try to get to know each student better. Building positive relationships with students will foster a mutual respect which will be the foundation of learning. I believe that students who feel safe to share ideas will be more active in terms of their contribution to the classroom. My goal is to inspire students to be lifelong learners and active citizens of their world by being a positive role model in their lives. 

One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is a vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.

Carl JungThemeNectar

Being a good role model

Who did you look up to when you were growing up? Being a good role model is such an important part of teaching. We are surrounded by so many kids that are trying to make sense of their world. They are looking at us for ideas. So, what is a good role model? Being polite, patient, and kind. Modeling these behaviours shows kids what we want from them. Demonstrating curiosity and persistence. Showing your students that you have a genuine interest will help get them on board. Lastly, you should never give up. Even if your perfect lesson didn’t go as planned, it doesn’t mean your next idea won’t be better. Showing up everyday with a will to succeed may be the inspiration your students need.

