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Growing up in a changing world

When growing up in an emerging world, the most important question is not about finding your place, but in the process of discovery of who you already are and what the world brings to you. Kids are exploring various interests while learning how to handle new situations every day. I am constantly reminded how many opportunities there are for my students. As a teacher, I am there to help them navigate what the world brings them.

It’s my responsibility as a teacher to give them tools that will help them be successful in life. I believe kindness is the foundation we can lay for a happy and fulfilling life. Kindness is an innate personality trait for humans and it is something that we can cultivate and encourage in kids too. Being a teacher and role model is the first step to showing my students what kindness looks like. Modelling kindness and making students aware of their actions and their consequences will develop their ability to judge for themselves the best way to approach situations. Behaving positively will no doubt lead to a positive outlook on their world.

In addition to viewing their world in a positive lens, children need to grow up to be thinkers. In an ever-changing world, it is so important that students develop the tools to think for themselves, despite the abundant amount of information at their fingertips, and especially because of it. More now than ever before do kids need to be able to filter through the information presented to them. How do we teach critical thinking? The first step is to have students question everything. Ask questions like who might have written this idea? Why would someone write this? Do you think someone might think differently than this person? No matter what the information is presented, kids should automatically question the content rather than take it at face value. This will develop critical thinkers.

Children are growing up in a time where technology has taken on an integral role in their lives. Right now, they are learning about new technology and how to use it. You might have seen how quickly kids can use a new app with little or no previous instruction. Kids will be using technology in ways we don’t yet know. Teaching kids the right way to use the internet and technology will help them grow into responsible digital citizens. It is our responsibility to teach students what to be careful for while also showing them the power of the constantly changing technology.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela
