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Enrollment in French-Immersion Schools is Up and Here’s Why

French Immersion School: The Next Big Thing? French is spoken by over 220 million people worldwide and is the second most-used language on the internet. And unlike a lot of language learning programs, the French Immersion School teaches children how to read and write in French alongside their English skills. It’s kind of like two-for-one offer. No wonder enrollment is up! Do all kids like it? Not every child may love it at first. But many children actually do enjoy learning another language and developing their mental skills.

There are many benefits to attending French-Immersion school. For one, there is a ton of educational research that suggests that children who learn a second language pick up the knowledge and skills to learn other languages more quickly. This can really help children in their future endeavors. It is one thing for parents to know the benefits of French-Immersion schools, but it’s also important for students to know how their education will affect them. French-Immersion Schools spend time promoting this and the various other benefits to their students in order for them to view their education as very valuable.

The increasing enrollment in French-Immersion schools may be an upward trend because of the various benefits that learning an additional language offers. Parents may be choosing to enroll their kids in these schools, especially if they are in proximity of their house. As more French-Immersion schools open, we may see them fill up quite quickly. What are your thoughts on learning a second, or maybe third language?

