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Teaching is Awesome

There are so many reasons why teaching is one of the best careers you can choose. Here are my top 5 reasons.

#5 You get to work in a creative environment.

One of the best parts of the job is creating projects to help stimulate your students’ minds and keep your classroom engaging. Watching children get creative and construct something from nothing can be an amazing experience for both you and the student. As a teacher, we are constantly thinking of ways to engage our students. Creating projects to match students’ interests is the best way to see students realize their potential. When students tackle a project and produce something you never dreamed of, you realize that creativity lives in your classroom. Embrace their ideas while sharing yours and see where it takes you!

#4 You are challenging yourself everyday.

Teaching is fun, rewarding, and at times challenging. When I first started teaching, I was incredibly nervous. What if I was not a good teacher? What if I couldn’t reach my students? What if I couldn’t do it? But then I realized that teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs. I get to work with students, teachers, parents, and colleagues. We all want the same thing: for our students to be prepared for the future. Teaching is like a never-ending quest to find the best way to do that. Every year brings new challenges and it’s really important  to be flexible and figure out how to accommodate them. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to be in the classroom and inspire students to be curious, creative, and innovative. How I do that, is a new challenge every year.

#3 You belong to a team of collaborators.

Teachers collaborate with each other on a daily basis and work towards a common goal. Teaming up with other teachers is one of the best ways to brainstorm hundreds of ideas before deciding what will work best for your students. Working with other teachers can provide you with new perspectives too. No matter lessons you zero-in on, the ultimate goal is to engage your students while hitting your learning outcomes. The fun part is collaborating with colleagues to think up new ideas every week.

#2 You get to be a life-long learner.

As teachers we never stop learning, exploring and wondering. We are driven by curiosity. One of the many benefits of being a teaching is continuous learning across a number of subjects. By being life-long learner, I hope to inspire students to be life-long learners themselves.

#1 You make a difference in so many lives.

Making a difference in your students’ lives means more than delivering lessons. Making a difference means connecting with students, engaging them, and inspiring them to go on to be curious about the world around them. I hope students develop a sense of wonder that they can take into the world and make it a better place. Each individual has something unique to share.

teaching is awesome

Beyond the Classroom

Whether you love working with kids, feel a sense of satisfaction when you plan the perfect lesson, or revel in the beauty of your newly organized classroom, just know that what you do everyday is making a difference in so many lives. Students learn from you every single day. Don’t forget that they are learning far more than the content you teach. They are learning how to be kinds to others, how to think critically, and how to pursuit their passions as they navigate the world. What you teach extends far beyond the walls in your classroom. Keep inspiring kids every day and embrace the ideas they are willing to share with you too!

