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What is a French-Immersion Program?

If you’re reading this, you may already know what a French-Immersion school is. You may even teach in a French-Immersion school. Or, maybe you’re wondering what all the hype is about as a parent. The idea behind it is that students start learning a new language by being immersed in it from a young age, 5 years old if you enroll in Kindergarten. Students are surrounded by a French environment every single school day. This environment allows them to learn the most French in a much shorter time. Unlike a French course taken about once a day, the French-Immersion program teaches all subjects in French, apart from English Language Arts. By learning subject matter through French, students are exposed to a wide range of French vocabulary.

Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about.

Benjamin Lee WhorfThemeNectar

The Goal

Why are French-Immersion schools gaining so much popularity throughout North America? There are numerous benefits of being bilingual and French-Immersion schools are a great way to provide these benefits to young learners. The goal of a French-Immersion school is to give its students the skills and confidence to use their knowledge of the French language in real-world settings beyond their school. Whether they go on to study in French, use their French in their career, or put it to use abroad, students should feel confident to use what they’ve learned and continue to perfect their language skills.

What better way to learn a language than be surrounded by it. Schools that offer a French-Immersion program do just that. Students are exposed to the language and culture throughout their entire primary education. We hope they develop a love of the language and learn all the benefits that come with it.

