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I am a teacher by profession and I’m glad to be one. I work so hard to make a difference every day. It may not be easy at times but it is worth it. Not only are you inspiring children who are the future of our society, but you also have a super rewarding career. One day you may be walking into your classroom and seeing the eyes of your students light up with excitement. They can’t wait to see what you have in store for them! What you do every day is so important to them. Just know that what you do everyday is making a difference in the lives of each child in your classroom.

Teaching can be thrilling. Teaching can be a challenge, too. As an educator, what matters the most is that you are prepared for any challenge, and that you are prepared for every student. For now, let us focus on a key principle, perhaps one of the simplest, but also most powerful: Teaching is about developing a relationship. That relationship has three aspects: (1) the relationship between students, (2) the relationship between the teacher and students, and (3) the relationship between students and the world beyond the classroom. Each of these relationships is important to a large extent, and each contributes to the success or failure of students.

I love the energy and excitement that comes with teaching and working with students. I am always looking for ways to inspire them, even when they are not feeling very inspired. I share what I am passionate about and listen to what they are passionate about. Don’t forget that they still need you and the things that you do in the classroom will shape them and their futures.

